Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Blue Moon Update

The date is 13 November 2007. Yep, that's the last paper for SJI peeps. From then, we have 7 weeks to play match after match before the New Year 2008.

Revenge to be made against:

1. Kumz Club FC
2. Cashew Cavaliers
3. Sapphires FC/ Kalifah FC
4. Brazilians!

There's some plans going on for a team hotel before and after a match, replacing the inital plans of team chalet.

Finally, to have subsidies for all our expenses, I urge you peeps to look out for competitions with cash prizes during the 49 day period. Be it 11 a side, or 5 a side, as long as there's money that can be earned and be contributed to team fund, it is worth considering and participating.



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