Reading this will help definitely help you!
Yesterday, 31/8, almost all the SJI players of Team-Slayers went to play street soccer.
Initially there was a mix up as some stupid school was having their Sports Fiesta there.
So, most of us travelled from CCAB to CCK and finally we settled and player at the court near NTUC FoodFare near Jeremy's school.
Things I want to highlight:
1. The infamous cramps are back. Not talking about menstral cramps, but more of muscle cramps. This time it hit us hard. Almost everyone who played yesterday (except Jun Jie and Chien Ming) got cramps. This has been a problem to us ever since we started playing as a team. There is bound to be someone who will get muscle cramps and will be forced to be subbed out. We can't rely on Daryl's Deepheat as he dosn't always bring it and it also dosn't gurantee that we won't get muscle cramps in the match.
So, I have researched on it. (Daryl reseached it last time but didn't blog on it)
More about cramps:
a]Involuntary contraction of a muscle that doesn't relax
b]Unpleasant, often painful sensations
c]Can occur in any skeletal muscle, but are most common in the legs and feet and muscles that cross two joints (the calf muscle, for example)
d]Muscle cramps range in intensity from a slight twitch or tic to severe pain
a]Muscle fatigue!!!
b]Exercising in extreme heat
d]Electrolyte(mineral salts) depletion
e]Build up of lactic acid due to anaerobic respiration
Points that need to be explained:
c]Dehydration means the loss of water through (in this case)sweating and causes the body to have an inadequate amount of H2O.
d]Electrolyte depletion has got nothing to do with electrolysis. In this case, electrolyte refers to mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, magnesium. Low K levels are associated with muscle weakness. Low Ca and Mg levels increase the excitability of both the nerve endings and the muscles they stimulate. These minerals are lost though sweating.
e]Normally, our body cells oxidises glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. However, when muscles are constantly contracting, we need extra energy for these musclular activities, so we start to respire anaerobically.
Glucose --------> Lactic Acid + Energy
This lactic acid produced is toxic and a higher concentration will lead to fatigue.It also builds up and stresses the muscle, leading to cramps. This ALSO leads to point[a].
i)Improve fitness and avoid muscle fatigue
ii)STRETCH before exercise
iii)Good hydration before, during, and after the activity
iv)Eating foods high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and prunes
v)Eating foods high in magnesium, such as green vegetables, nuts(cashew/almonds)
vi)Eating foods high in calcium, such as dairy products, green vegetables
2.Due to excessive mugging for the Preliminary Examinations and 'O' Levels, obedient students like us neglect fitness training. Fitness is VERY important for sportsman like us. It includes stamina and strength. Now, our fitness level sucks and we need to improve it as soon as possible to prepare ourselves for the upcoming matches. We can do conditional training.
a] We should hit the gym once in a while to exercise our muscles, but not overexerting and damaging our muscles. Muscles which we should be training are leg and arm muscles. (I don't really know much about this)
b] We should run 2.4 every week or at least every fortnight to keep ourselves fit and increase our stamina - DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD. It may lead to muscle cramps/tear/injuries. Aim for a timing which is reasonable for you.
People who are just passing 2.4 should aim for 10-20 seconds better than the passing time and people who are getting around 11mins should aim to break the 11min barrier. As for people who are already getting 10mins+, just keep it up, maintain your stamina and try to push yourself a little harder everytime you run 2.4. DO NOT SLACK.
Hope this will help you people out there struggling to cope with the cruelty of muscular cramps and people who can't even last 45 mins on the pitch.
Initially there was a mix up as some stupid school was having their Sports Fiesta there.
So, most of us travelled from CCAB to CCK and finally we settled and player at the court near NTUC FoodFare near Jeremy's school.
Things I want to highlight:
1. The infamous cramps are back. Not talking about menstral cramps, but more of muscle cramps. This time it hit us hard. Almost everyone who played yesterday (except Jun Jie and Chien Ming) got cramps. This has been a problem to us ever since we started playing as a team. There is bound to be someone who will get muscle cramps and will be forced to be subbed out. We can't rely on Daryl's Deepheat as he dosn't always bring it and it also dosn't gurantee that we won't get muscle cramps in the match.
So, I have researched on it. (Daryl reseached it last time but didn't blog on it)
More about cramps:
a]Involuntary contraction of a muscle that doesn't relax
b]Unpleasant, often painful sensations
c]Can occur in any skeletal muscle, but are most common in the legs and feet and muscles that cross two joints (the calf muscle, for example)
d]Muscle cramps range in intensity from a slight twitch or tic to severe pain
a]Muscle fatigue!!!
b]Exercising in extreme heat
d]Electrolyte(mineral salts) depletion
e]Build up of lactic acid due to anaerobic respiration
Points that need to be explained:
c]Dehydration means the loss of water through (in this case)sweating and causes the body to have an inadequate amount of H2O.
d]Electrolyte depletion has got nothing to do with electrolysis. In this case, electrolyte refers to mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, magnesium. Low K levels are associated with muscle weakness. Low Ca and Mg levels increase the excitability of both the nerve endings and the muscles they stimulate. These minerals are lost though sweating.
e]Normally, our body cells oxidises glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. However, when muscles are constantly contracting, we need extra energy for these musclular activities, so we start to respire anaerobically.
Glucose --------> Lactic Acid + Energy
This lactic acid produced is toxic and a higher concentration will lead to fatigue.It also builds up and stresses the muscle, leading to cramps. This ALSO leads to point[a].
i)Improve fitness and avoid muscle fatigue
ii)STRETCH before exercise
iii)Good hydration before, during, and after the activity
iv)Eating foods high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and prunes
v)Eating foods high in magnesium, such as green vegetables, nuts(cashew/almonds)
vi)Eating foods high in calcium, such as dairy products, green vegetables
2.Due to excessive mugging for the Preliminary Examinations and 'O' Levels, obedient students like us neglect fitness training. Fitness is VERY important for sportsman like us. It includes stamina and strength. Now, our fitness level sucks and we need to improve it as soon as possible to prepare ourselves for the upcoming matches. We can do conditional training.
a] We should hit the gym once in a while to exercise our muscles, but not overexerting and damaging our muscles. Muscles which we should be training are leg and arm muscles. (I don't really know much about this)
b] We should run 2.4 every week or at least every fortnight to keep ourselves fit and increase our stamina - DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD. It may lead to muscle cramps/tear/injuries. Aim for a timing which is reasonable for you.
People who are just passing 2.4 should aim for 10-20 seconds better than the passing time and people who are getting around 11mins should aim to break the 11min barrier. As for people who are already getting 10mins+, just keep it up, maintain your stamina and try to push yourself a little harder everytime you run 2.4. DO NOT SLACK.
Hope this will help you people out there struggling to cope with the cruelty of muscular cramps and people who can't even last 45 mins on the pitch.

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